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Tomb Raider Xtra : High Resolution Textures for TR1


Matt Hill

A little bit about my textures...

I've tinkered with computer graphics since my Amiga days and have always wanted to design the graphics for a game, but never quite managed it. When I discovered Glidos in 2003, I was thrilled to see it's capability of replacing Tomb Raider textures so I started the Tomb Raider Xtra project at the end of that year.

My intention was always to simply “update” the game with more realistic, better looking textures that were in keeping with the original. I didn't want to stray too far from the classic feel, so I've kept the super-saturated colours rather than making things look too real. However, in some places I have taken liberties where I think something different will work better.

The TRX website is designed and maintained by myself with the support of Paul “Glidos” Gardiner who has generously donated the hosting of the site and domain. I hope you enjoy using my textures and those of all the other artists — I've sure had fun creating them!

A little bit about me...

The proud owner of an Amiga in the 80s, I had played and loved the fake 3D “dungeon crawls” like Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder. For their time they were the most compelling, atmospheric and addictive games to play. Ten years later in 1996 I got to play a demo of the first truly immersive exploratory adventure and was blown away by the lush environments, the clever puzzles and well-balanced gameplay. Tomb Raider had quite an impact on me and while I've played all the sequels over the years with varying interest, none of them live up to the first and best.

I've always been interested in computer games in general, in particular anything with an exploratory theme or a good story. My all time favourite game is Dungeon Master and I'm also in the process of building a site about that. It's not online yet, but sometime next year I'll finally have something to show.

I currently work for myself as web designer and web accessibility consultant. I have an online portfolio at Outside of work I enjoy lots of other stuff, mostly with some creative angle: reading, music, films, galleries, museums; and I enjoy cycling, walking and good ale. :-)


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MatthewHill Glidos v1.1
This pack contains new textures for the title screen and the following levels: Caves, City of Vilcabamba. This pack is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS and not everything has been retextured.
EXE 24 Aug 2023 13:09:31 10.9 MiB
This is a version of the pack converted for the GLRage version of Tomb Raider I (a.k.a TombATI). Levels retextured: Caves and City of Vilcabamba.
EXE 10 Jul 2021 14:50:31 175 MiB